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Part 1: Close Up Radio Spotlights Don B. Southerland, Jr., CPA, CFE

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Plano, TX – Don Southerland Jr. is a highly sought after experienced practitioner of Forensic Accounting and Litigation Support Services.

“My work is focused on catching the bad guys no matter how complex the case may seem I’m on it with professionalism and the highest commitment to my clients. Whether it’s a case of fraud or embezzlement, I unravel whether a crime has occurred.  I believe all of us should maintain the highest ethical standards. Many people believe we have seen it all when it comes to financial corruption, but I have been doing this for thirty years and there is consistently someone out there devising a new scheme that no one has ever seen or heard about before. Which is why I continue to do what I do and provide successful outcomes for my clients.”

Often times Don is called upon to give expert testimony at depositions and at the eventual trial. He can serve as a forensic accountant for either plaintiffs or defendants providing an objective and unbiased opinion.

Don knew from an early age that being an accountant was his calling. At the young age of 14, he began work as a bookkeeper. After graduating from high school, he worked for several different businesses and gained valuable experience. He went on to serve as a Special Agent with the FBI and the regional leader of two “Big 5” forensic accounting practices in Dallas, Texas. Today his specialty is on forensic accounting and fraud investigations and he has worked in the sectors of banking, health care, insurance and finance involving many different Federal and state law enforcement and regulatory agencies, including the FBI, IRS, SEC, HHS, and Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.

Don’t miss Don’s two-part series interview with Jim Masters and Doug Llewelyn where he will reveal truths about deep seated corruptions and intriguing cases.