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Part 1: Close Up Radio Welcomes Back Empowerment Strategist Bonnie Wirth

  • Broadcast in Motivation
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Lloydminster, SK - Bonnie Wirth is a highly regarded Empowerment Strategist, Emotional Resilience Expert, and Mentor.   

“Every relationship we have requires accountability coupled with responsibility. Accountability is a fundamental principle that creates healthy bonds and nurturing relationships. It involves acknowledging and owning up to our mistakes and wrongdoings, taking responsibility for the consequences of our actions and making amends whenever necessary. Accountability fosters trust, demonstrates integrity, leads to mutual respect and the overall health and longevity of any relationship.”

Bonnie explains that accountability is expressed by taking ownership for our actions, by saying “I am sorry”, and admitting to our mistakes. Responsibility is the duty to correct past mistakes and take some form of action to set things right and be mindful of each other. Accountability allows us to work together towards a resolution.”

Through Bonnie’s coaching work, she guides her clients to become more empowered in their choices, to be more accountable for their lives, and develop healthier habits and behaviors thus creating a ripple effect of positivity in their own life and the world around them.  

“Placing blame on one another and finger pointing is one of the worst ways to handle conflict in any relationship. By creating a culture of accountability, we foster trust, honesty, and continued self-improvement. In doing so we create a life where we feel empowered, we feel good about ourselves, and we will inspire others. Accountability is courageous and is the antidote to finding peace within us and the world around us.”

For more information, visit www.bonniewirth.ca