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Close Up Radio Spotlights Lisa Charlebois of Healing Your Narcissism

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Gold River, CA – Lisa Charlebois is an LCSW at Healing Your Narcissism.

“I am a psychotherapist whose main focus is adults that endured childhood trauma,” explains Lisa. “However, I work with many people dealing with the issues surrounding narcissism.”

“One of the big misunderstandings about narcissists is that they are being confused with sociopaths and psychopaths,” concerns Lisa.

In conjunction with her clinical practice, Lisa offers an eight-week video course on narcissism.

In 2010, Lisa wrote a book titled, You Might Be A Narcissist If...How to Identify Narcissism in Ourselves and Others and What We Can Do About It.

“I know this disorder from the inside out,” explains Lisa, who also exhibited many narcissistic tendencies herself, but later recovered from it.

For more information, please visit https://healingyournarcissism.com/, https://grcca.com/lisa-charlebois/ and https://www.compassionplanet.org/

Those interested in Lisa’s eight-week video course, for a limited time, she is offering a 50% discount off the price by entering the code J5RHYKD on her website

You may also contact Lisa via telephone at (916) 508-1920 – texting is best

You may also purchase Lisa’s book on Amazon and it’s also available in Audible.