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Financial Grace Radio: Cultivating God’s Money Trees in Your Life Today

  • Broadcast in Women
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Today's Show:  Earn Sustainable Income to Fuel Your Lifestyle AND Your Passions and Purposes

James 1:27  Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.  

Earning income doesn't have to mean giving up time to pursue your passions and interests and priorities. It doesn't require you to do some sort of scheme and it doesn't mean working harder or longer.  It does mean you have to listen to the Holy Spirit and you have to adopt a financially creative mindset to see opportunities everywhere, all the time. You can invest time, talent, interests, and skills to create income starting with next to nothing.  This approach increases wealth for yourself and others in order to create more income which increases wealth and so on.  In this episode we'll discuss how you can create a lifetime of income at whatever level is required to support your lifestyle starting with just $10 and how you can turn that $10 into over $40k within a year without gimmicks, sales pitches, fancy products or investment schemes!!

Links:  www.financialgrace.org/fg-radio

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