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Into The Unknown Realm wwith Steve & Naomi with guest Nicole "Majik" Lahousse

  • Broadcast in Radio
dtm radio

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We are excited to welcome to Into The Unknown Realm with Steve & Naomi Nicole Lahousse, Aura Photographer and owner of Majik, LL.  Nicole is AMAZING!!!!  

Nicole holds bachelor's degrees in Metaphysical Science and in Biology/Chemistry. She is a Certified Crystal Therapist and Quantum Touch Practitioner. Nicole is attuned to various Energy Healing Modalities such as DNA Reiki, Lemurian/Telos attunements, New Earth Energies and many others.

She is also a crystal skull and metaphysical teacher and wayshower who has been receiving messages from the skulls for many years. She offers Crystal Craniums ™ Attunementss and teaches workshops on various metaphysical topics. She provides many services at Majik, LLC as a guest appearing at stores, fairs and expos.


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