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The MOST HIGH must be wroshipped in ALL THINGS AS HE IS! NOT as MEN have diversely imagined! It will by and large be a SHOCK to all the whole world to realize WHAT has been the OBSTACLE to ALL! For humanity by and large has NOT discerned the truth of the Great Commission nor understand what was is the dispensation of the gospel! The true Messiah came not for the preservation of any manner of worldly deceit; not will He! In fact, that unto YAH every knee shall bow and every tongue confess unto HIM allegiance, He comes to declare THE STANDARD that will EXPOSE as having been NO COVENANT ATA ALL, every manner of worldly misconceit and defender of the Pretender! The wisest soul discerns that this world has created a FALSE CHURCH to PRESERVE LAWLESSNESS rather than DESTROY IT! Indeed! Rulers of this world have perversely MISadministered the scriptures than men be beguiled to worship SIN! (2Thessolonians 2:1-<7-11 .. Isaiah 11:1-4>-12, 14:1-5) So as to preserve every manner of worldliness, world rulers murderously persecuted the believers of the early church. After having infiltrated to corrupted the knowledge of the faith, a world has been beguiled to preserve mass illusions ever since. Protestant reformers protested that the Roman Church was a deliberate pretense against the truth, a mystery of iniquity, a strong delusion causing the masses to believe lies, mass status quo worldly misrepresentations. Nevertheless, the protestant reformation has NOT resulted in a world made true as reconciled wholly untto the will of the One Most High! A multitude of diverse denominational doctrines whether protestant or Catholic, cannot possibly be the pure and perfect will of the ONE! MISrepresentation for being NOT true to the Holy Name, is BABYLON!