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ATH: Imam W. D. Mohammed(ra) "The Reality Of the Self Seen and Unseen"

  • Broadcast in Education
Faheem Shuaibe

Faheem Shuaibe


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The Human Life/The Sacred Life is not the Animal Life (cont'd)

"For the human being, life is the life of our intellect. For the animal, life is the life of the biology.

If we can see all living things as one life and the human being representing the head of that life, then it makes sense that G’d evolves the head from the simplest form. Are you following me? That G’d evolves man, the human from the simplest form. Am I giving support to Darwin? No. Allah says that He created us from a clot, Alaq, and He says even less than that, He says, (from) water. And He says even less than that, lifeless, clinging clay, or dust. He said He created us from that. So He's saying he created us from the most insignificant, from the simplest form of matter and evolved us to this highly complex machine we call the human person, the human being.

So I repeat, that if we understand that life is one and G’d has gradually evolved that life and the final stage of that life is able to think free, question, imagine, make improvements, recreate, appreciate the G’d that designed all this,[1] then G’d is justified in making those elementary steps that lead to the final step." [2]

[1] Tie this reference to Dr. Kotersky's "Mature Adult Member of the Species"

[2] 10-24-92 Learning a continuous Family Responsibility  Calvin Coolidge High School 

 Washington, D.C.

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