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FTWT:"For The Righteous, Every Knock Is A Boost" (WDM Book Review)

  • Broadcast in Education
Faheem Shuaibe

Faheem Shuaibe


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“There were very few exceptions where a kind master had a slave and permitted that slave to keep his original mind, the mind that he brought, or that came with him from across the waters. That was very rare. In time, they died out and there are hardly any traces of their influence or their effect on the life of the rest of African-Americans. So, as people we came actually to a death point, the point of death as a people. We died as a people and then we had to come to life all over again in very, very unfavorable circumstances. So, whatever choices we made we made as a subject, not as free thinkers. We did not make choices as freethinkers. We made choices as subjects until we got some freethinkers like Frederick Douglass and we started to give birth to some freethinkers. G_d’s plan is just and poor situations sometimes produce the best human beings. Look at the beautiful poor people that came out of the poverty of knowledge, of the intellect and the land, poor land and poor intellect. But look at the wonderful people that G_d has produced.”  P. 10 “On Racism, Religion and Reconciliation” Imam W. D. Mohammed (ra)

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