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Women Rising Above Perceptions: Advocate,Counselor Chevonna Johnson shares on GD

  • Broadcast in Motivation
Good Deeds

Good Deeds


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Chevonna is an advocate, advisor, liaison, public speaker, community leader, counselor, mentor and a voice for promotion, support, education(self-esteem), awareness and research social, psychological, human awareness on bullying, domestic abuse, suicide awareness/intervention/prevention about people, processes, policies, and laws.

Women Rising Above Perceptions is a mentoring/tutoring program to help young women understand their identity, know their purpose, write a vision and create strategies to stay on the path to fulfill their destiny. I have developed several programs that focus on the sociological, psychological and human impacts and effects on bullying, suicide awareness, intervention/prevention teen pregnancies (teens, youth, dating, spousal and school) violence and mental health that is affecting our youth today. 

Chevonna works with community leaders and elected officials in order to bring real issues and effects to their attention so that effective solutions and resources can be provided and implemented. This is done by providing more enhanced education, awareness, workshops presentations and programs especially towards lower and middle schools so that our youth growing up in this new age can be more educated on the real dangers, risks and effects in our society on and offline.I work with parents and adults to make them aware and educated on the latest trends and issues in youth development, parenting, domestic violence, suicide and provide social services, support and resources to help them overcome their challenges and reclaim their lives. I am Executive Producer/ host of:

AAU TEEN TALK Radio (www.globallinkzradio.com)

AAU TEEN TALK TV (Madhousetv.net) 

AAU Youth Magazine (www.aauym.com)

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