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The Bible On Trial

  • Broadcast in Religion
Rick Sterling

Rick Sterling


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Just FYI-Debate is NOT what you use to catch 'defish'! The purpose of debate is not what most people think it is; that is, to reveal the truth about a particular subject in a back and forth verbal interaction between opponents that represent different sides.

Classical debate is based upon a five part system of Argument, using rhetoric in persuasion of a specific viewpoint, when the audience s both favorable and hostile. Those five elements are: 1) Begin in an interesting way, 2) provide background and context to the audience, 3) state claims and provide clear evidence, 4) accounting for the opposing viewpoints and objections, 5) providing a satisfactory conclusion.

In a modern debate, as was presented last night at the Presidential Debate, the Moderator provides the first two of these elements, and the debators try to accomplish the final 3 points, as well as can be allowed given the debate protocols. Debate is to be held on a level playing field where the Moderator does not influence the outcomes in any way, by interjecting themselves into the responces. (This became a problem in last nights debate, just as in the first debate.)

The form of the questions in modern debate can either help or hinder the opposing sides, and do affect outcomes, which they should not.

Jesus was obviously familiar with the format of debate, as is evidenced in how he responded in His various interactions with the Leadership of Israel, in their attempts to trap him in a rhetorical conundrum. He also showed this skill in His interaction with Pilate in John 18. The thing that is most evident in how Jesus delt with these questons was that He KNEW the truth. Jesus KNEW Scripture because He was the ONE tha gave these words to His servants, who accurately wrote them down for us to use in our own debates. By knowing the truth He could expose the lie in the opposing argument, as can we if we use His words as our source.

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