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The Revelation of Jesus with Rick Sterling!

  • Broadcast in Religion
Rick Sterling

Rick Sterling


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In the writing The Art of War, Sun Tzu speaks of how an enemy can be defeated using their own perception that they are stronger, better prepared, and more cunning than their enemy. It is the arrogance of the enemy that will defeat him.

"All warfare is based upon deception." Sun Tzu.

Make the enemy believe that they are superior in every way to you. Use their hubris to entrap them. Produce in them a sense of security that is false, then spring the trap.

This is what has been going on now in America for over two weeks since the election of November 3, 2020. In that time the Democrats have been led to believe that they have won the election. They have machined the counting to produce enough ballots with a mark for Joe Biden that has allowed the their partners, the Main Stream Media, to announce that he is now 'President Elect', and that there is nothing that Donald Trump and the Republicans can do to stop him fro becoming POTUS. They believed that they had hidden the source of their win so thoroughly that no one would ever be able to see their perfidy in a rigged election. They believed they had learned their lesson from having lost the election in 2016 to be able to win with the same tactics in 2020. They are wrong..

God has Satan in that same position. Satan still believes that he can win against God by making sure that the events of Revelation 13 happen according to the prophecies. What God has done is put an alternative to death and destruction by opening an alternative in Reveation 10 that  brings LIFE to the world, not death. Satan and his followers have been decieved and believe they have won a great victory, when they have lost everything by their own misunderstanding of what God wants for the world. 

God cannot be deceived, and neither can those that follow the words and teachings that Jesus brought to earth from the Father. Do not dispare; victory is ours!

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