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The Bible On Trial

  • Broadcast in Religion
Rick Sterling

Rick Sterling


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Red Sea Scenario~

But Moses said to the people, "Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today." Ex.14:13.

Have you ever wondered why God waits until the very last second to provide a 'way out' of a bac situation for His people? I have. For us humans it would be much better for God to solve the problem before a situation becomes a problem, rather than put us through the turmoil, uncertanty, and anxiousness of having to wait, and wait, and wait for God to act.

I am sure that this was exactly what the Children of Israel were feeling with their backs to the Red Sea, and the armies of Pharaoh bearing down on them with the intent to either crush them against the water, push them in and drown them, or to capture them and send them back to captivity in Egypt. The people that escaped from Egypt were even telling Moses that "it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness." (Ex. 14:12-LP)

But as you know God had other plans for His people, and the outcome was much different that what they thought would happen.

It it exactly the same today. We as 'the people of God' are waiting for God to act in not allowing an election to be stolen, which appears to be the case, and see us through to the Life Road that will allow our country and the world to enter a time of Peace and Prosperity. But why is God putting us through the uncertainty of not seeing this outcome right now? Why is He waiting and not acting?

Here is the reason; "God always does whatever He will do for His people at the very last moment, ONLY so we KNOW it is Him doing it." He waits until that moment when everything looks darkest, when it looks as if the Evil One has won the day. He waits in order to show the people that outcome they have received could only come from Him. Then and only then will they understand the truth.

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