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The Bible On Trial

  • Broadcast in Religion
Rick Sterling

Rick Sterling


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Fence Sitting~

My dad was a farm boy when he was young. And he told me something that his father told him about sitting on a fence; no one sits on a fence very long without choosing a side to land on. Sitting on a fence hurts after a while, and this is not only true physically, it is also true spiritually.

And although fence sitting is always uncomfortable, many people have made a good living straddling the middle of the road thinking that this is the best way to stay safe from commiting to an idea, ideal, or program too soon, and losing a position of power, authority, strength. In reality fence sitting does none of those things.

Jesus spoke about this from a spiritual perspective in Revelation:

'I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth". Rev. 3:15-16.

This is the ultimate description of spiritual fence sitting, the punishment for which is being ejected permanently from the presence of God, which leads ultimately to the Second Death.

"On earth as it is in heaven." Matt, 6:10 (LP).

We must declare for heaven or we will be sent to hell. Those that try to take both sides, and especially present themselves as being on one side when they are actually on the other, will always be caught out. Judas was caught in this trap, and paid the ultimate price for his hypocrisy. 

If we stand firm in the truth, then we will have no issues when it comes to which side we are on, because it will be apparent to God that we have chosen the correct side. If we believe a lie as if it is the truth, then the lie will catch us, and show us to be as false as in that which we believed.


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