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The Revelation of Jesus with Rick Sterling!

  • Broadcast in Religion
Rick Sterling

Rick Sterling


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Prepare the Way~

During summer vacations during the time I was a school teacher I was not allowed by my lovely and gracious wife to simply sit around and veg while she continued to work. She told me that if she had to work during the summer so did I. So for about 10 years I was a professional house painter. The first thing I learned was that 80-90% of the job was preparation, which was the most important and time consuming part of the job. It didn't matter how much the paint cost, or how skillful I was at applying the coats, or how good my equipment was, if the wall was not prepared properly then the result would be awful.

I found this to be also true for gardening, landscaping, teaching students, or for learning anything. If the ground is not prepared properly what ever you try to learn will not stick in you memory. This is especially true for learning and practicing the Truth.

If a person does not believe that they need to learn anything about a particular subject then nothing you do will be able to overcome that disability. Even God Themselves could not overcome the inertia  that was present in Ancient Israel, that prevented this people from learning a practicing the Truth that God tried and tried to teach them. There were too many rocks in the field for the plow to get through. These rocks were the stumbling blocks that proved impossible for God to remove. If you say, "I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing," (Rev. 3:17), you will never find truth.


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