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The Bible On Trial

  • Broadcast in Religion
Rick Sterling

Rick Sterling


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Planned Disappointment~

Have you ever had your car break down on the road on the way to the mechanic to get it repaired? Or said to yourself, "I'll make an appointment with the doctor for next week, and then end up in the ER with an enflamed gall bladder? These are pretty specific examples of a syndrome that I call The Planned Disappointment.

We have all been guilty of letting things go because we are too busy with other 'more satisfying' things, or so overwhelmed with life that watching a movie on Netflix is more important than studying for that pesky test. All of us have made excuses for our lack of planning when it comes to things that don't seem important 'in the momemt', but end up biting us in the ankle (or a body part a bit higher).

There is an old expression that states, "If you don't plan to win, you plan to loose"!

Rick recently put a piece up on the Spirit of Truth Group page on Facebook about how John the Baptist was not able to acknowlege that he (himself) was the 'Elijah' type prophet that was to come before the appearence of the Messiah. It is evident that he knew the prophecies concerning the Messiah, and was even told by a 'messenger' how to identify this person when He appeared. But what John was not able to do was acknowlege and recognize the it was he that was this person. And this changed his future.

We don't have to guess what will be the result of deciding to make a wrong choice, but often make that choice even when we know the outcome will not be what we really want. In doing this we are in fact planning for disappointment. Doing this can change our 'Real Reality' that will put us outside of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Planned Disappointment is making a wrong choice on purpose.

Thankfully the 'Elijah type' of today, who is this Faithful and Wise Bondservant, does not do this (Matt. 24:45).

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