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The Bible on Trial

  • Broadcast in Religion
Rick Sterling

Rick Sterling


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Chronic Fear~

We all experience fear from time to time; fear of losing the car keys, or the fear that comes from being in public with your small child, and turning around and ot spotting them where they should have been, because they have wandered away from your side. When you find your keys in the last place you left them, or look and see your child looking at a toy in a store window, you experience a palpable relief that all is now well, again.

We also experience that niggling fear that 'something is just about to happen', a precience that an event of issue is about to arise that will disturbe the natural order of things in you life. And when that event does not happen (as is mostly the case) you sigh and realise that fear was nothing but an illusion.

There is also a type of fear that is pervasive and all consuming, that adversly affects your 'space/time continuum",  occupying not only space in your mind, but also all of your time in worrying about it. This chronic fear can be as debilitating as a broken bone, and as invasive as a heart attack. When this kind of fear takes over your life nothing else matters, and everthing you experience is informed by that fear.

This is the world we now live in ,with Covid and the Big Government propoganda and fear mongering that is being spewed forth in the MSM that causes us to fear for our lives every second of every day. The Deep State actors need us to live in fear so we will become compliant and get used to doing everything they say when they say it. This is the fear that is expressed in much of the prophecy of Revelation, and feeds this societal fear of impending doom, if we do not comply.

Take heart, because there is an antidote to fear, and that is truth. Truth casts out fear.

"Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known." Matt. 10:26.


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