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The Bible on Trial

  • Broadcast in Religion
Rick Sterling

Rick Sterling


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Truth Always Offends Someone~

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." ~ Thomas Paine

"When a person who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, they will either quit being mistaken or cease being honest." ~ Richard Humpal, J.D.

We have grown a culture in the United States (and indeed the world) where the Idea of 'free speech' has become regulated it by the concept that if you offend anyone by what you say YOU are at fault for the offense, not the truth which you speak. Our culture has become biased toward not offending anyone about anything, such that many people feel that if they speak the truth and there is a backlash against them from an offended party that accuses them of 'hate speech' it must be their fault, and not the fault of the person who claims offense. Speech is not "FREE" if the person speaking it can be brow-beaten into retracting it because they are being threatened with a legal or physical response by someone that simply rejects what they have said as a lie.

The people that believe they and only they have the correct concept of 'Trooth' ,and are willing to use force of any kind to establish it as an unchallenged fact are themselves denying others the ability to question that concept, and are a limiting freedom of speech.

The idea that "Faith allows a person to believe a lie as if it is the Truth, without accountability" (Rick Sterling) is the root cause that allows the offended to prevail against a person that simply does not want the 'rock the boat', and cause someone to be mad at them. The idea that we can 'live and let live', and 'each to his/her own' is anathema to the propogation of truth in the world.

Jesus knew this intimately while He was here on earth. Yet He was unafraid to speak the truth even when it put Him on the cross. If we say we love the truth, can we to any less?


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