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The Revelation of Jesus with Rick Sterling~

  • Broadcast in Religion
Rick Sterling

Rick Sterling


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The Revelation of Jesus with Rick Sterling is a podcast that is not for the faint of heart. It concerns learning the truth. In order to learn the truth, you must understand the four stages of learning. They are as follows.

Stage 1 - "Unconscious Incompetence" - If you desire to find the truth about anything, inluding salvation and eternal life, you must first realize that with out doubt YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED, recognize that you don't know that you have been fooled, and you have been fooled (and this includes everyone that lives on earth) into believing a lie as if it is the truth. Everyone that believes that they already have all the truth they need know to enter the Kingdom of God, without doubt have not. Most Christians sincerely believe that the Bible is the inerrent, undisputed, and undeniable Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation. It is when they realize that this is not true that they can move to the next stage.

Stage 2 - "Conscious Incompetence" - When you have acknowledged that you don't have all the truth it is only then that you can start replacing the lies you have been taught from birth, with the Truth From Above. In order to begin that process you must first learn where to find the truth. The Bible contains truth, but the Bible in and of itself is not truth. It is the word of God to His prophet in the Old Testament, and the Words of Jesus in the New Testament that ate Truth. (Matt. 5: 17, Rev. 12: 17) "

Stage 3 - "Conscious Competence" - Now comes the most difficult part, because in this stage you must actively exchange the words that you once believed to be true, by learning and practicing the words of Jesus that he spoke to His own eyewitness disciples. (John 17)

Stage 4 - "Conscious Competence" - You know the truth. (John 14:10, 15-17, John 8:31-32, John 17:17)


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