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Speak My Word Faithfully as directed by the #ProphetJeremiah. He knew the issue with #Judah and paramount was they did not listen to the #ProphetofGod. Speak #MyWord #Faithfully takes its direction from the #WordoftheLord and it is to the #servant of the #Lord to make sure they are receiving what the Lord wants them to #speak. The Lord has Jeremiah directly #prophesy these #truths given to #Judah. They are also told directly that if His people have a dream, or a word of the Lord they are to speak it faithfully. This is also understanding that the very Word of the Lord you speak in #faith is like a Rock which will hammer the false word to pieces. Or it is like comparing #chaff to the #wheat, in its finality the #WordofGod is like an #everlastingfire that cannot be quenched and those who violate its truths will be #heldaccountable. #SpeakMyWordFaithfully
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To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website