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Keysha Dale is a health care executive and influence who uses her business acumen and professional prowess to help other women succeed in the work place and life. She does more than play her role at work, she actively seeks ways to improve the industry through service. Dale is The District Of Columbia long term care administration Board Chair Person and the National Association Of Long Term Administer Board(NAB) state governance and Regulatory forum facilitater. she resides in Washington D.C. She is wife and mother. Keysha tours the country sharing pearls of wisdom from her book called, Rock Botton Success buy it today at or get it from tune into the show Sunday, October 13, 2019 @ 2pm central. check time zones in your state for show start times. The call in number is 6467878046 or listen in live in groups at for free prayer service to donate or sponsor the show call us on a different line at 3143273836, thank you God bless you!