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Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Brenda Hoffman

Brenda Hoffman


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Summary of September 21, 2014 Creation Energies - Brenda's free, 15-minute, channeled show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Those of you who exited your cocoon are transmuting energies for those who are moving to their light - just as earth did for you when you first began this journey. If you become uncomfortable doing so, use the process to clear most comfortable for you. You're now also in your creation stage. All of you know what your dream is. And you'll create that dream in the near future, just as you shifted your perspectives and relationships as phophesized years ago.

You Are a Belief and Creation Maverick is the title of this week's Brenda's Blog - her free, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Overview of the September 27, 2014 Creation Energies show: The past few days, you've transitioned from an AM type frequency to FM. Making many of you feel as if you know where you want to be, but having no idea how to get there. Your physical being is adapting to the new you. Self-love is the key to your creations. Try being of earth for 24 hours without belittling your being in some way. Love yourself fully without judgement or feelings of narcissism. If you feel joyful radiating peace to those of earth, that is your role. But if you don't, guilt or narcissism should not enter your thought processes. Each of you has a specific role to play in each step of this transition. Joy and self-love are your keys to that role and ensuing creation. For the creations you now dream of are part of that role.

Brenda's Blog and her Creation Energies show contain different channeled information.

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