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Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Brenda Hoffman

Brenda Hoffman


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Summary of Brenda’s January 29, 2021, channeled Creation Energies show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman:  In 3D, fear is dominated through titles, race, sexuality, money, and power. Money or titles aren’t terrible, but you’ll react differently to money or titles in your new being. The life you create with your new being will bring you joy with little need of the 3D fear, of not being or having enough. You’ll also interact with others, as do small children, from the heart instead of fear of others because of color, sexual preference, money, title, profession, or whatever fear-based parameters you established in 3D.

Overgrown Path or Superhighway? is the title of last week’s Brenda’s Blog – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry Creations.com.

The overview of Brenda's February 5, 2021, Creation Energies channel: Most, if not all, of your ongoing fears, are based on memories of past events. Those 3D fears, of this life or previous lives, no longer pertain as your cells have regenerated. You're a new being in a new world. So switch your light on, just as in 3D, you switched it off to live in fear. 

Brenda’s Creation Energies show and Brenda’s Blog contain different channeled information.

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