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Close Up Radio Spotlights Gloria DeGaetano of The Parent Coaching Institute

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Bellingham, WA – Gloria DeGaetano is the Founder and CEO of The Parent Coaching Institute (PCI) and the author of several books, including Parenting Well in a Media Age and most recently, Patterns Over Time: A Research Summary on Screen Time and Healthy Development. The Parent Coaching Institute (PCI) offers Parent Coach Certification® training for family professionals, coaching services for parents, and specialized programs for companies and organizations. For over 20 years, PCI has been offering these services and is recognized as the global leader in the parent coaching industry.

Using evidence-based strategies and a well-researched framework for communication and analysis, PCI Certified Parent Coaches® trained in DeGaetano’s coaching model, work with parents to help them create awareness of new possibilities and find practical solutions to frustrating challenges.

Gloria also emphasizes that coaching isn’t about telling parents what to do. A parent coach asks reflective questions and acts as a thinking partner, empowering parents to find the answers from within.

PCI Certified Parent Coaches offer a 30-minute, no cost, no obligation consultation that any eager parent can take advantage of. Parents can search for a PCI Coach on PCI’s website to find the right fit for their unique situation.  https://www.thepci.org/findcoach/

It is evident that DeGaetano loves her work and has a great passion for helping today’s parents. “Raising a family is immensely rewarding but it can also be extremely difficult.”

For more information, visit www.thepci.org