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Close Up Radio to Feature Children’s Author and Tooth Fairy Expert Zane Carson

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Houston, TX - Zane Carson Carruth is a woman who has had many accomplishments in her lifetime. She has led a corporate career, sat on various Boards and committees, and is a professional etiquette coach. She has parented a blended family comprised of several children and grandchildren. She has received awards as a Most Inspiring Woman and Woman of the Distinction. But the coup that earned her the greatest recognition of all, is having written a series of books about The World’s First Tooth Fairy, Abella.

Carson’s Tooth Fairy series has earned favor with readers worldwide, received Story Monster and Purple Dragon book awards, and even garnered attention from Neiman Marcus who features them with pajamas as part of their bedtime reading gift packages. Zane Carson had just completed a video (in 3-D,  and about 4 minutes long) about Abella and her tooth fairy work and is shopping it out to TV producers as a special, or ideally longer series. The stunning video was developed by the same firm that produced Thomas the Tank Engine and includes an original song created  by a Grammy-winning composer.

The character of Abella certainly is engaging. She is relatable to children because she is so much like them.

To date, Zane has completed 5 books in the series including Abella Starts a Tooth Fairy School and more recently, Abella Gets a New Hairdo.

For more information, please visit the author’s website www.worldsfirsttoothfairy.com and www.zanecarruth.com