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Christ Our Mediator and High Priest - Hebrews 7:26-28

  • Broadcast in The Bible
CL Taylor

CL Taylor


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A mediator, or "go between" can be understood a one who acts as an intermediary to work with opposing sides in order to bring about a settlement. A mediator attempts to influence a disagreement between two parties with the goal of resolving a dispute. There is only one Mediator between mankind and God, and that is Jesus Christ. In this study, we’ll see why God has a dispute with us, and how Jesus is our mediator.

The idea of Jesus' (High Priest) ministry as our intercessor is set forth.

  1. Unlike other high priests, he is “holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens” (7:26), so he does not need to offer sacrifices for his own sins because he offers them for the sins of others (7:27)
  2. For all of these reasons, and more, “he is able to save completely those who come to God through him” (7:25), precisely “because he "always" lives to intercede for them” (7:25).

​The Bible tells us that Jesus is our great Intercessor. It’s Greek meaning can be best understood “to fall in with, to meet with in order to converse (fellowship).” An intercessor is one who prays for, or on behalf of another.  And that is just what the Lord Jesus is doing now. He is in Heaven praying for all those who believe on Him (see Luke 22:31, 32)

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