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Healing Healthcare: Empowering Patients and Providers with Stephanie MoDavis

  • Broadcast in Health
Dr Karen Kan

Dr Karen Kan


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My patient was determined to heal her thyroid naturally. She went to an endocrinologist for lab tests to track her progress, but the experience left her feeling discouraged. The doctor bluntly told her that natural healing wouldn’t work, insisting that her only choices were radioactive iodine treatment or surgery to remove the thyroid.


Heartbroken and shaken, my patient cried all the way home, feeling despondent and disempowered.


Imagine if healthcare providers could empower patients instead of acting as unyielding authorities. What if there were patient mentors to support individuals through every step, whether they’re undergoing chemo, radiation, palliative care, or even an organ transplant?


Join us for an inspiring interview with Stephanie MoDavis, an inner transformation mentor and two-time transplant recipient, as she shares her vision of a patient-centered, holistic healthcare model.

To learn more about Stephanie and the work she does, check out her website at https://Stephaniemodavis.com