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One man is poised to bring down a "world of hurt" on America's "Nightmare Team"  - Trump Admin.

In a sense, Robert Mueller occupies a unique position in pantheon of muckrakers -  he'll far surpass any and all that have preceeded him thus far.

As Special Prosecutor, Bob Mueller has enormous access + power and finest legal "team" in the universe.  At last count there were 17 world-class prosecutors working in Mueller's legal team out of Patrick Henry Building in Washington, D.C.

There are so many threads to pull on in this Trump Russia probe. There are so many moving parts.  There is so much money and quid-pro-quos going on that it'll be a wonder if anybody will be left standing after all of this, including TRUMP + Vice President PENCE.

The latest development for the Mueller team is they now have yet another "cooperating" witness - Reza Zarrab, a Turkish/Iranian gold trader who is now "cooperating" w/Mueller's team in bringing to light ties existing bet. Turkish Pres. Tayyep Recep Erdogan and Michael Flynn, Trump's one-time National Security Advisor but who lasted only 24 days before he was dismissed. Allegedly, Erdogan has offered Flynn upwards of $15-million if he, Flynn, could kidnap Erdogan's main political opposition - (Turkish cleric, Muhammed Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi,) - out of New York City and hustle him back to Turkey. In addition, Flynn has also made hundreds of thousands of dollars as a lobbyist for Turkey - all the while serving in the Trump 2016 campaign - a criminal conflict of interest @ very least.

We could also mention that - according to the Wall Street Journal - last month, Oct, Mueller's investigators issued a subpoena to over a dozen top officials in President Donald Trump’s campaign last month, requesting Russia-related documents.

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