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  • Broadcast in Politics Progressive



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Whether I'm white - or whether i'm right
Whether I'm a nazi or skin-head in flight
I've got to be me - i've got to be me
What else can we be - if not jack-booted crazy
We're misunderstood - hated like termites in wood
you don't like us - & wish we'd disappear for good
we've got to be free - shouting all over tv
we've got so much screed - to scream till we're freed
Doesn't matter if we have no brains
We could care less if we're all insane
we have to preen - & we have to be mean
we have to be obscene - or we'll all get gangrene
whether we're right - or whether we're wrong
just give us some hits from our nazi bong
we'll march through the streets - with our Hitlerite tweets
@ least we don't wear those fucking white sheets!
We'll give those salutes - with our right hand raised 
We'll look so menacing - we won't even get tazed
we've got to be free - can't we all just agree
our nazi pagentry won't harm any citizenry
One final thought - so that no one really frets
We'll never march with those nazi goose-steps
we just want to be free - to behave incredibly badly 
it's just what we do - so we'll leave it at that, sadly
now we take leave - till next we visit your street
But rest assured - orderly as a visiting navy fleet
we've got to be believed - we've got to be received
we'll clean up our act - when all we want is achieved
So off we go - to put on more big shows
we hope you see - that we're all fine fellows
so, if you give us a break - please, for heaven's sake
we're not the klu klux klan - so just give us a fair shake


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