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You get speeding tickets, tickets for running red lights, tickets for not purchasing a new plate sticker, all kinds of fees you are subjected to once you get your drivers license. But what about your Driver's License? Aren't individuals who get married required to live up to the agreements in the license? What would happen if you or your spouse were fined for violations? With today's automated banking system, wouldn't it just be easy to deduct, say, $50 from your spouse's account for a violation? What things do you think deserve a fine? Hitting? Infidelity? Gambling away the rent money? Forgetting to pick up the children from school? Getting drunk and embarrassing the family during holiday gathererings? If guilty spouses could simply pay a monetary fine to the city,and both parties agree to forgive and forget, would this keep marriages together? What infractions do you think warrant a fine? What if you were the guilty party, would you pay it in order to save your marriage from eventual dissolution? What about for a really bad infraction, such as infidelity, ashould a person's marriage license be suspended for a time, and they have to pay a fine to get it renewed?