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Close Up Radio Spotlights Joe Carvalho of ROARANGE Business Strategies

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Hollywood, FL – Let’s admit it: we are a society that lives to eat. In fact, we are continually centering everything we do around food. Every social event we attend is paired with food.

According to Joe Carvalho, even eating just one meal a day can be very beneficial. This is otherwise known as intermittent fasting. It can help you burn fat and improve your metabolic health. Simply put, humans don’t need to overstuff themselves with food.

Joe also insists we must greatly reduce or eliminate sugar consumption because cancer and many “diseases” have been linked to consuming massive amounts of sugar, as seen in the SAD (Standard American Diet). He suggests drinking unsweetened coffee and iced tea, if not just water.

Moreover, it’s a myth, he says, that cholesterol per se is bad for us when it’s actually essential for good health. We need cholesterol to make hormones and build cells.

Joe also has some interesting thoughts for those of us who are on vegan diets to take precautions on what ingredients are actually in our meatless burgers, and other non-meat products, as many are filled with sugars, vegetable oils and various chemicals.  He urges us to be wise consumers and check all food labels.

“Clearly food is double-edged straight line to both health and illness” says Joe.

For more information, visit www.roarangebusinessstrategies.com or www.HumanHealthStrategies.com