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Close Up Radio Spotlights Glenda Olmstead of Glenda’s Balanced Body

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Lake Havasu City, AZ – Glenda Olmstead is a highly sought after Emotion Code and Body Code practitioner. Glenda has a BS in Sports Science and is Certified Personal Trainer through the Cooper Aerobic Institute in Austin, TX. She is also certified as a biomechanics trainer by the Justin Price institute.

Based on the fact that everything is energy, the Emotion and Body Code balances in these different aspects: emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, pathogens and toxicity. Anything that is imbalanced in the body is able to be identified and corrected.

Glenda reminds us that this technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment, but by correcting underlying imbalances, we help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomfort and malfunction in the body often disappear, the organs function as they should, nutrients are absorbed properly, energy levels are raised, and emotional issues become manageable or nonexistent.

Glenda underwent her own dark times when her beloved husband tragically passed away from a brain tumor attributed to long term exposure from cell phone usage. Through that experience she became very interested researching EMF's and the energy fields that affect us. This prompted her to take a second look and to her amazement she discovered how our bodies are a superhighway of energy currents and there were numerous miraculous energy healing modalities that promotes overall wellness that heals us mind, body, and spirit. It dawned on Glenda that rather than help her clients through physical training as a biomechanics and Wellness coach she could utilize two of the most practical and effective tools the Emotion Code and the Body Code.

Glenda believes that we when are fully healed, we can shift our mind into balance and harmony resulting in self-love, inner wisdom, and enlightenment.