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Coming Apocalypse

  • Broadcast in Current Events
Pastor Paul Begley

Pastor Paul Begley


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Russ Dizdar from "Shatter the Darkness" will join Pastor Paul Begley of Indiana to discuss Satanic Ritual Abuse and chasing Demons and the rise of the Anti-Christ. Also a "Solar Eclipse" and Asteroid TX 68 will pas by the Earth very close on the same day March 8. Also an Israeli Rabbi says "Nibiru" or Planet X could threaten the entire planet Earth. Also Mexico River Vanishes and a Mexico River and Lagoon turns "Blood Red". Also the Pastor Tim Remington who introduced Presidental Canidate Ted Cruz on Saturday in a rally, was shot 4 times in the back including the skull after church on Sunday Morning in Idaho. Also Russia is sending more and more warships though the Bosphorus Straits toward Syria and Turkey. Also the USA is sending B-52 Bombers with Nuclear potential are bing sent to the Middle East to bomb ISIS. Also Newt Gingrich says "Donald Trump is not part of the "Secret Society" of the Masons, Skull and Bones, and the Bohemian Grove, and the Establishment can't control him. This and much much more current news events along with bible prophecy and the powerful Word of God. 

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