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The voice of the American Consortium for Equity in Education at ace-ed.org | Host Larry Jacobs facilitates rich discussions with innovative educators, thought leaders, authors and the leaders within the education industry to promote equity, access and opportunity for every student in every school.

On-Demand Episodes

A CONVERSATION WITH SOUTH CAROLINA'S DIRECTOR OF EARLY LEARNING AND LITERACY Dr Quincie Moore came out of a great school district in SC; Spartanburg District 2 and now runs early learning for the state. We'll... more

THE EMPATHY PROJECT: A PROJECT BASED LEARNING EXPERIENCE GOING ON AT RYE NY HIGH SCHOOL : Meet English teacher Roni Sarig and some of his sophomore class students. They'll tell you themselves all about it.... more

SPECIAL ED POLICIES AND THE NEW ADMINISTRATION Who better to discuss this than CASE, the Council of Administrators of Special Education Executive Director, Phyllis Wolfram CLICK THROUGH AND READ "EQUITY &... more

ENSURING EQUITY DURING COVID IN ASSESSMENT AND HIGH STAKES TESTING: Catherine Hoffman , VP of State Partnerships at ACT is our guest and will focus on the information they have gathered about the demographics of... more

KAPLAN 'FEE WAIVER' FOR TEST PREP INCREASES ACCESSIBILITY & OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL....its all about equity.... from From ACT we have Allyson Tlacoxolal and from Kaplan, Isaac Botier. Thanks to both companies .... more

THE BEST MATERIALS AT NO CHARGE TO EDUCATORS AND PARENTS....YEAH! YOU READ IT RIGHT ! LEARN ABOUT IZZIT : The title says it all. Great, high quality supplemental materials in history, all social studies,... more

A VISIT WITH NAESP Great resources for K-8 from the National Association of Elementary School Principals with its leaders Drs Earl Franks and Kaylen Tucker

WELCOME SPARTANBURG SC SCHOOL AND DISTRICT LEADERSHIP ... ON TECHNOLOGY & STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT THIS YEAR .........In Title 1 schools and throughout the district, great educators have been able to navigate thru... more

An AASA show with their partner Transcend working together to get the great stories out there now...stories that prove education is working and heroic, yeah it is, right now! CLICK THRU AND JOIN THE PRE K 12 EQUITY... more

WE TEACH FROM EVERYWHERE THESE DAYS. HERE'S A WAY TO MAKE THAT SEAMLESS We've got Darin Beamish, VP of Software Development at Boxlight to speak about Mimio Connect..... which has great features and tools... more

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