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Faheem Shuaibe

Faheem Shuaibe


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Faheem Shuaibe hosts shows which address all things that affect and arise from "The Human Condition"; Business, Politics, Education, Culture and Religion

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2: 270. And whatever ye spend in charity or devotion be sure Allah knows it all. But the wrong-doers have no helpers. اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن، وأعوذ بك من العجز والكسل، وأعوذ بك من الجبن والبخل، وأعوذ بك من غلبة الدين وقهر الرجال Du'a against ?Debt as a... more

What did Imam W. D. Mohammed(ra) say on the Morton Downey Radio Interview 85-7-16?

?The Deal with the Devil!? is when a person has surrendered to Shaitan and has accepted not to fight against what is deemed as ?evil, amoral and immoral? by natural human conscience. The ?Deal with the Devil? is embracing the... more

O ye who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities: But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will: Nor kill (or destroy) yourselves: for verily Allah hath been to you Most Merciful! The Wax-on Wax-off... more

O ye who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities: But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will: Nor kill (or destroy) yourselves: for verily Allah hath been to you Most Merciful! The Wax-on Wax-off... more

Imam Muhammad: Yes, those Imams that can serve as guides for the Hajjis from our community, they should be identified and they should be the ones to organize the Hajjis from our community and to work with the travel agents in making... more

How do you Responsibly Invest Your Self ?

?You might say, "Oh only G_d only creates." No, Allah swt says He is the best of creators. He recognizes that there are other creators, so He says He is the best of creators. He made us to be creators, too.? Ramadan Session 2005 And G-d... more

Ayn Rand's ?Objectivism? is a model of the ?Rational lies? which support a deal with the devil. It gives its subscribers a line of reasoning to justify their urges and impulses and their intention not to follow natural morality and conscience. It... more

2:268. The Evil One threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly. Allah promises you His forgiveness and bounties and Allah cares for all and He knows all things. 17:64 And incite [to senselessness] whoever you can... more

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