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i Artist Presents...
Author of the book: Deadly Vows, Robert Marsh joins GD on "A Touch of Grace," Thursday, 3/27/2014 at 1:30PM [PST]. To listen to the show click the link,or: ON DAY OF SHOW ONLY: Call in to speak with the host 347-215-7169.
About the Book:
In life or death, sometimes the actions toward another person are not forgotten. The invasions of another persons mind set can cause the viewer to take a step back, sit up and imagine that the enemy does not see what is coming. They are in the inner part of the enemy head to feel the pain and not mix it up. In a new line up of horror stories, Mr. Marsh takes us to the existence that there is more to life and death that we already know. Marsh focuses hard on showing us the different views of how pain and a doormat person can live inside us all and not realizing it until it is to late. Marsh mind set is so strong on the death of him, that he sheds a dark light just to allow us to read a little concerning the demons inside us all.
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