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KINGS on GD's A Touch of Grace Presents...
Robert Welsey Branch from The Robert Wesley Branch Show
Thursday, 9/18/2014 @ 1:30PM, p.s.t/4:30PM, e.s.t.
From Any Phone, Call Into Show @ 347-215-7169
Big picture visionary, creative manager, inspired ideas guy, passionate storyteller, resourceful multimedia man, experienced executive producer of television, gifted writer, soulful life coach, opinionated talk radio host, charismatic public relations spokesman, loving son, loyal friend, trusted brother, wise encourager of your soul.
Guest Profile:
For the past 15 years, I have earned a gracious living as a television executive; some of my accomplishments include TV One, headquarterd in Silver Spring, Maryland. As an exectuive in charge of production, my TV One credits include In Coversation: The Michelle Obama Interview and TV One Live: The DNC After Party, which was the network's first foray into live television production, broadcast from the Comcast Media Center during the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denever.
Bethesda has been home since April 5, 1996 -- Good Friday -- when I (once more) left my childhood neighborhood in Forestville to be closer to Discovery Channel, where I worked as an associate producer. Located north of Washington, DC. Bethesda lies within Montgomery County Maryland...
"Be well, be encouraged, be Inspired everyday!" RWB
Complete Autobiography: