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Happy Birthday Make It So Network! Psychic Sunday Special!!

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Make It So Network

Make It So Network


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They say it's your birthday......happy birthday to us!!!! Yes, Make It So Network is celebrating the 1 year mark! What a thrill it has been and largely due to you, our callers and listeners from all over the globe! We know our success would never have happened without our loyal and dedicated fans! So again, thank you for making this year such blast!

Also a greatful and heartfelt thanks to all of our exceptional hosts...Keri Glaser, Luann Morris, Dr. Chuck Murphy, Issac and Abra Bradfield along with Leigh-Ann. We are looking at new shows and new hosts for this new year and with the releasing of COVID restrictions, we may do a few live on locations!

So, join the PSYCHIC SUNDAY crew at a special time, 7:30 pm central and have your questions ready! Could there be surprises ahead?

Our call-in number is 563-999-3697 and our text message number is 972-656-9196 or send us your questions via email at MakeItSoNewtork@gmail.com.

If you miss our live broadcast, it's always available here on Blog Talks ON DEMAND or on Amazon Music (just ask Alexa to play Make It So Network) Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio,TuneIn Radio, Stitcher, Spotify and be sure to like and follow us on Make It So Network | Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! AND our latest news is we are now on Pandora!

Free will is a wonderful thing and so is your own intuition. We encourage you to use that first. If practiced with, your intuition will always be your best friend and your best resource!

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