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Of Acutonix Health Solutions. A topic that is sure to draw attention! Let us think about this for a moment. How many people do you know who have jobs of which they sit most of the day. How many of these people would say that aren't really happy about so much sitting? WHY? Because they more than likely have an intuitive knowing that it isn't the best thng for their well-Being! Certainly sitting sometimes is perfectly okay, however, the important word here is "Sometimes" not all day long and so often in front of a computer which could be a whole other topic!
*How is sitting hazardous to our Heatlh?
*How much sitting is considered too much? AND what can you do about it?
*What could the effects be if we are sitting too long?
Dr. Steven Friedman looks forward to having you tune in Thursday, Sept 25, 2014 at 5:30pm est time right here on MindYourBodyandSpirit & or you can listen by ph at 347-843-4709. After the Interview Dr. Friedman can be reached at 813-258-1545 His Tampa office is located at> 2101 West Cross St., Tampa, Fl
THANKS to all of our listeners for your support through these 25 PLUS yrs!!
MindYourBodyandSpirit & the Healthy Referral Newspaper can be reached at 216-533-2273 or email at