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Deliverance Today Pastor John Kyle

Deliverance Today Pastor John Kyle


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Freedom from demons, Exorcism, Do you have Demon Troubles? You can be free! Spiritual Warfare, News about current events. Spiritual growth. Prayers, Oasis Church

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**NOTE This is the final broadcast on blogtalkradio. It is going out of business. We have moved to mixlr.com You can find us at deliverancetoadaymixlr.com Discovering the walk of deliverance and moving forward, seeing the demons work and identifying them, casting out in Jesus' Name, victorious living through deliverance and faith, keeping what you gain, fighting back against your demonic oppressors, deliverance after message

On-Demand Episodes

Preparing yourself for the Lord and the times we live in, last days living, perilous times, wisdom from above, knowing the Lord better and walking closer, staying full when others are walking away and compromising, The enemy is an all out liar,... more

the Compromising spirit, knowing the truth about guilt, breaking the grip of a false gospel, the itching ears problem today, Who and what do you desire? Jesus, mammon or self? solving the guilt problem, Will there be a falling away in these... more

Putting and keeping satan where he belongs, When is the time to get free? Our realm of authority, walking with and in spiritual authority, knowing things that can hinder a believer from forward progress, problems of disobedience, stopping the... more

cleaning up the church, the Christian, what personality is manifesting? Is an evil spirit talking or is it the person? , winning at spiritual warfare, is satan in the church? driven by whom, what are some of the things that drive Christians and is... more

Making right decisions, how demons and the realm of the demonic influence people's decisions, standing strong when the attacks come, the curses of wrong decision making and how it can affect one's life, How to stand effectively against... more

Recognizing the atmoshperes around us, knowing the spirit behind things, Opening the eyes of our understanding, spirits that work deception into people and groups of people, Finding out what kind of atmoshere people live in,... more

How to overcome difficult times and days, Living in God's best, Quit exalting the problem and exalt the Word, the Truth, satan's many distortions of God and Truth, Walking in the power of God in these perilous times, seeing past the darkness... more

How the enemy uses life's problems and difficulties against people, a hardened heart and pride, how pride works, the problems of pride, what it does and how it does it to a person, Why many christians are hardened and hard towards... more

Why some people rarely see results from their prayers, How prayer works and doesn't work, Exposing the enemy, Discovering the ways of darkness and learning to war better in the spirit, Finding and living in Truth, opening the doors... more

whipping the enemy and being an overcomer in these last days, Knowing where you stand in Jesus today, Free from nominal Christianity, Seeing who Christ Jesus Is, really, Letting Him rule your life instead of you, Seeing clearly in a... more

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