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Prophecy Zone Radio



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Welcome to Prophecy Zone Radio your Ezekiel 33 watchmen on the wall. Bible Prophecy is the focus here at the PZR. We are hear to warn The world of coming Judgment that will full without warning. We will cover on this show the rise of the Mediterranean Union the empire of the Antichrist, Israels soon coming war with Russia/Iran/Turkey/Syria. The Mark of the beast technology and the New World Orders soon control of ever living thing on this earth. We will expose Satan's plan to control the world. We will also look at the church and the falling away false teachings that are running free in the church. The Rapture of the church, The rise of Islam, The fall of America and much more. We need to Pray for our leaders and this country. What will happen in 2011. Listen to the Prophecy Zone and find out what the world will be facing in the coming months.

On-Demand Episodes

I was on Breaking the silience round table talking about the Kingdom of God. I had a great time as guest.

I was on breaking the silence on wed the 10 of Nov. We talked about the Kingdom of God vs the Message of Salvation. I was a guest on the show and had a great time.

Hosted by Christine Weick. We will continue with the letter to the church at Thyatira, linking the letter to describing the Christian of today who is involved in sexual sin. What does Jesus have to say and what will happen to this person in... more

HOST:Brenda Johnson~~ How is the Christian Church going to survive in a postmodern world? Should it morph itself to cultural demands and make itself more appealing to those who hate it as the Emergent Movement thinks we... more

Revelation 13 is the focus on todays show. God is in charge on this earth and not the devil. The Devil is holding the deed but Jesus has made a deposit on that deed at the cross. Satans has been in control for a long time but his time is... more

We will talk about the time we are in and what will be coming in the near future. Also we will talk about the last generation and is this what the bible said about the days of Noah. The middle east will be a focus alone with the ecomomy. We will... more

We are at war and many people are not even paying attention. God wants us to know that we are in a war for life and death. Jesus wants us to be save and come out of this world. Egypt is here and we must make a desition that all of man... more

What does the bible really say about tithing or giving 10% of your money to your pastor? Can you make your own decisions about where to give money?? Was tithing food or money? What are firstfruits? We will have the author of The... more

Hosted by author, Christine Weick. We will be looking at the letters to the churches at Pergamum, Thyatira and Sardis. Is there another meaning that can be found which describes the Church during the time of the rule of the Holy... more

What is Jesus trying to tell us in the letters to the seven churches mentioned in Revelation? Is there another meaning directed to the Christians of today? Are there hidden clues that show Jesus' anger towards those who call themselves... more
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