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Why Imam W.Deen Mohammed Put Down Using Skin Color to Identify Folks

  • Broadcast in Lifestyle
Station IWDM

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Join WORDS-MAKE-PEOPLE blog talk radio on Station-IWDM on Sunday, June 4, 2023, from 1-3 p.m. EST for an open-mike discussion on, "Why Imam W.Deen Mohammed Put Down Skin Color to Identify Folks."

Call 714 816-4673 (press 1 to speak with the host, Michael Saahir) Or you may listen online at - https://www.blogtalkradio.com/station-iwdm/2023/06/04/why-imam-wdeen-mohammed-put-down-skin-color-to-identify-folks

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said in his last sermon: "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety (taqwa) and good action."

IMAM WDM said: "We have common enemies. Black, white, yellow, red, brown — all colors have a common enemy. That enemy is the one that feeds all of us color consciousness; feeds all of us racism, to keep all of us divided one against the other so he, by himself, can rule all of us. Mister, I don't buy that stuff about a spook, a demon ruling the world and setting races against each other. This demon I'm talking about buys his suits where you buy your suits, eat the same food you eat, and even drink sometimes and gets high. He never lets it become a habit though — he can't afford it. He has to run your life. I'm talking about those who create and orchestrate racism in the world while they stay out of sight pitting whites against blacks, blacks against whites, and races against races." (Feb. 24, 1980, Chicago, IL)

This blog talk program is an open-mike discussion. We look forward to hearing from you!


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