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Symmetry of Soul

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It was a great advance in civilization when inheritance replaced the burning and burying of property; ancient funeral wastes were enormous. Modern man is not supposed to fear ghosts, but custom is strong, and much terrestrial wealth is still... more

Man has had a long and bitter struggle with the ghost cult, living in abject slavery to ghost-spirit fear. Early religious rites were designed to avoid, expel, or coerce ghosts. But with the birth of this very fear mankind started on the upgrade of... more

Primitive man slowly evolved religion out of his innate worship urge and his misconception of chance. And when the concept of right and wrong at last evolved, there began that long waste of human effort upon tombs, temples,... more

Primitive men thought that the soul was associated with the breath; the shadow came, later on, to be feared and revered equally with the breath. Those who held the doctrine of four souls believed that one soul lived in the breath, one in the... more

The dream origin of the belief in a future existence explains the tendency always to imagine unseen things in the terms of things seen. The primitive doctrine of survival after death was not necessarily a belief in immortality. Instead, beings... more

Man naturally tends to believe that which he deems best for him, that which is in his immediate or remote interest; self-interest largely obscures logic. The difference between the minds of savage and civilized men is more one of... more

The evolution of religion from the preceding and primitive worship urge is not dependent on revelation. Religion of a primitive type was a natural biologic consequence of the psychologic inertia of evolving animal minds after such... more

Early man regarded all unusual persons as superhuman, and he so feared such beings as to hold them in reverential awe; to some degree he literally worshiped them. But when the worship urge is admonished and directed by... more

Many of the earliest forms of nature veneration became blended with the later evolving techniques of worship. Mankind has venerated earth, air, water, and fire, even worshiping fire as a deity itself. In religion, symbolism may be either... more

Primitive religion had a biologic origin, a natural evolutionary development. It was wholly intellectual—aside from moral associations and apart from all spiritual influences—and was entirely predicated on associational... more

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