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From JFK To DJT …. Was The Murder Of The President Over 50 Years Ago … Designed to Change the Timeli

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From JFK To DJT …. Was The Murder Of The President Over 50 Years Ago … Designed To Change The Timeline? 

Daniel Sheehan, Barbara Honegger & Georgia Lambert LIVE with Richard C. Hoagland


Fifty-eight years ago … the world took a radically wrong turn.

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, was publicly assassinated on a sunny afternoon in Dallas, Texas — November 22, 1963 — setting the United States, if not the world, on a decades-long spiraling descent into increasing authoritarianism, an abrupt retrenchment in the previous global march toward increasing human rights and economic freedom … if not a world-wide resurgence of outright fascism.

Now, Robert Kagan — American neoconservative Brookings’ scholar and long-term critic of U.S. foreign policy — has termed the mounting domestic backlash against democracy — culminating in a literal, physical insurrection riot at the U.S. Capitol, January 6th–

“The greatest Constitutional Crisis since the Civil War ….”

So, here’s the question:

Is all that has occurred in the tumultuous last half-century, since the shocking public murder of a young aspirational president, cut down even as — in the wake of the almost civilization-ending “Cuban Missile Crisis,” even as he was succeeding in radically changing the course of a nuclear-threatening, decades-long “Cold War” — in fact, not just another in a long series of “collateral accidents of History”–

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Richard C. Hoagland

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