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Rebroadcast of Historic "'Oumuamua Test Transmissions"

  • Broadcast in Current Events
The Other Side of Midnight

The Other Side of Midnight


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How Our Two-Way ET Conversations Began ....

“Humanity Calling ‘Oumuamua ….” A LIVE Radio Test Transmission … Ahead Of December 24

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Tonight, we're going to make History.

As we previously announced -- both at the end of last Sunday's "Other Side of Midnight" show, and a couple nights ago, on Clyde Lewis' "Ground Zero" nationally broadcast radio program -- tonight, The Other Side of Midnight is going to make history--

By sending a specially "coded" radio message to the currently "fleeing" interstellar ET spacecraft, now leaving the solar system forever--

The solar system's first known Intersteller Visitor -- specifically named by NASA (in Hawaiian)--


"First Scout ... of a Battle Fleet!"

Tonight, in a literally unprecedented LIVE, world-wide radio experiment, we're going to attempt to "Open Hailing Frequencies" with whatever Artificial Intelligence might still be piloting this extraordinarily anomalous emissary from the depths of the Galaxy and Time ....

To see if -- by talking to it in its own Hyperdimensional Language! -- we can get it to respond.

Join us ... and learn how YOU too can become a Direct Part of tonight's unfolding interstellar History ....

Richard C. Hoagland

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