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Tough Talk with Barriers and Break Through

  • Broadcast in Entrepreneur
Tough Talk Radio Network

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Tough Talk with Tony Gambone with Andrew Pais & Penelope Tobin

Andrew Pais knows how difficult it can be to make change, especially for us over 50 we get the more frightening it can become. For most of us, the don’ts of our youth have become the cants in our adult lives. Why live in a world of cant’s when you can live in in a world of can, possibility, success, happiness, health and love. I’m no stranger to life’s pitfalls and challenges. I’ve worked in corporate America, and private industry. I’ve been laid off, right-sized, down-sized, Riffed, and made obsolete by technology. I’ve started several successful businesses, and been a partner in two others. As America’s Unstuck Coach™

At the turn of the cen­tury Penelope Tobin was a jazz com­poser, pian­ist and vocal­ist, liv­ing and work­ing between Lon­don and New York, lead­ing a sex­tet in each city, com­pos­ing for these groups and for a 17-??piece jazz orches­tra, record­ing reg­u­larly, per­form­ing in clubs — from Ron­nie Scotts to Bird land — often teach­ing, coach­ing, and run­ning work­shops by day, as well as tour­ing in Europe and Japan. I’d been a pro­fes­sional musi­cian since leav­ing school, first play­ing with a wide array of pop and rock bands as a key­board player (yes, there are a few stor­ies there!!), then com­pos­ing for com­mer­cials, and tour­ing while I also stud­ied for a BA (Hons) in Per­form­ing Arts.

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