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Dr. LOW’s Neighborhood is aired on WVSW Internet Talk Radio every Tuesday and Thursday at 1 pm CST/2 pm EST. Dr. LOW’s Neighborhood is the real grass root talk show that focuses on our neighborhood block by block. The host of the show is Dr. Lorenza D. Smith. The dial-in and hear the show the number is 347.857.4192. The Web link is www.blogtalkradio.com/WVSWInternetTalkRadio. The email is wvswinternettalkradio@gmail.com. Tweet the show @wvsw_internet_talk_radio, @thesmithwayprod, @lorenzadsmith15. Instagram @zetaphisigmagreenville10, @lorenzadsmith15, @wvsw_internet_radio. @coachdrlorenzadsmith15, @smithwayprod. Watch the show on Facebook.com/drldealberto Smith. The show will also be aired on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. WVSW Internet Talk Radio has listeners and watchers in 18 countries including the United States, Canada, and Mexico.