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"Boomer Talk" the place where boomers gather for Real Talk ...


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Conversations about managing the new normal, updated health care & financial systems, constant technology changes & basically embracing life as a baby boomer in this fast paced 21st century a.k.a. as the "Paradigm Shifts !"

On-Demand Episodes

New/Young becomes Old/ Worthy & Er'thing takes on a Different Meaning = A Venerable Tradition!!!

As we (Boomers & Non-Boomers alike :- ) keep going & growing, we must still take the time to smell the 'roses' that we are familiar with BUT in this 2st century we must stay mentally open & agile so that when "new" types of... more

Fr'amily & Memories you really can't have one without the other. They are the Building Blocks of Our Lives! It is the one thing that sets apart from every other animal on this planet. It just wouldn't be, couldn't be the same without them &... more

The ability that we as humans have to "Remember" is a gift! (for most & sometimes not) yet it separates us from any other animal on the planet. Well to Remember & "Re-vist, Recollect" to talk about it again & to be able to recall the... more

Stay Low & Stay In ! Its a good time 4 that (IF you can & IF you have the necessary accomodations) unless you are going somewhere specific. It is really too hot & too much going on Out There ! People are hungry & angry =... more

On location from Beautiful, sunny midwestern, Central time zone, Evansville , Indiana with the Silent Denerartion in the house!!!!

In the words of Bruno M. "Keep up, why you mad ? Fix your face, ain't nobody's fault the world is always changing, keep up, { & he's talking to - Players only ..." so stay in the game of Life & keep on being a 'Player/ a Participant/ a Person... more

It IS a B.D./ Big Deal just like B.D./ Big Data analysis and the B.C./ Block Chain are, and they all deserve B.D./ as in Big Discussion! We must be aware even though we may not feel or be able to actually understand everything, just like it... more

Let's start again, this time with A.I. & We R ... (we can't get around this one) DATA , the new game in town! Let's All PAY Attention!!!

Surely you know the A.I. Era is here, meaning it ( Artificial Intelligence) is up & running in a major way. Now we have to manuver our way thru yet another "Technology Maze" . CHANGE is the 21st century way, so some basic... more

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