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Well its 2018 and the future is here but what have we got? A divided America, People with disabilities and the organizations that support them or not are fighting each other for the same pot of money in the Land of Milk and Honey! Good Gracious have fought so hard for so long that we have forgoten who and what we are fighting for? Well that's the way I see it!!!
No one feelling happy or exited when we all should be thankful just to still be alive even though I know their is a lot of heart ache out their but I say we can all give in and feel deafeted but instead incourage ourselvers to strive to make a difference in some ones life today!!!
Be it organization or Individual there is way to much in fighting in the World to see real change for people living with disabilities isn't their? Well in my mind the way I see it as a multiple disability survivor I say its time to get rid of the labels and get on with the business of helping people in need to find the support, resources, recovery to live a better life and I mean people no matter what your disability taking part and feeling the Inclusion and that means everybody coming together and changing the World now and not waiting forever.
We've been down that road before, Lets Try something different
Discussion about The Radio Ability Platform of BIRN
A Call for Action s and developing a plan
I can sense a change in the disability Movement
Disability Right, and Inclusion for every person with a disability
End the disability in fighting among the disabilities
Making 2018 the Year of real change
Being your best you ever!