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County by County State by State Country by Country Cannabis Live from Santa Cruz California

This week's award winning show will put a focus on public records! We will talk to John Novak about a website called 420leaks that puts a focus on using public records to end cannabis prohibition! At 9:30 we will talk to Craig Cecal. Craig is... more

County by County State by State Country by Country Cannabis Live from Santa Cruz California

This week's award winning show will focus on remembering our radio show host, Eugene Fischer! Host of this radio show, and former POW who spent 25 years of a LIFE sentence in federal prison for shipping cannabis into the USA passed... more

County by County State by State Country by Country Cannabis Live from Porterville California

This week's award winning show will be open mic! First we will hear from Amy Povah, Amy is the founder of CANDO, she is going to tell us all about the Gardian Angle project! Tune in and find out how you can help! At 9:30 we will talk to... more

County by County State by State Country by Country Cannabis Live from New Mexico

This week's award winning show will be open mic! First we will hear from Amber Taylor, daughter of plant prisoner, Thomas Landreth. Thomas is serving time in Oklahoma state for a cannabis offence. His current release date is in... more

County by County State by State Country by Country Cannabis Live from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

This week's award winning show will focus on Father Day! First we will hear from Billy Dekle. Billy is Host Eugene's (host) from prison while they were serving their LIFE sentences! Billy was recently recently granted clemency by President... more

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