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Close Up Radio to Highlight Robert Douglas of Legacy Leadership

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TUCSON, AZ - Robert Douglas has formed a coaching business, and it is a coaching business unlike any other. While he focuses on leadership, he does it in a way that blurs the lines between business consultant and life/transformational coach—by helping people make new and better choices and identify the leader they were meant to be (as opposed to the position they may have been assigned.) He molds real champions.

Robert is getting ready to retire from a long career in the US Army that has involved leadership roles. He says that the way they do things in The US Military Service is not always a best-case scenario—assigning leadership titles based on education or length of deployment. People in The Service must implicitly trust their leaders when a true leader should be earning the trust of their teams.

“I believe good leadership is more essential today than at any other time in history; a time  when influencers are seemingly everywhere thanks to regular and social media. We need to grasp the responsibilities that come with influence and leadership.”

Robert has put some of his insights into a book titled Leaders Make Time: Leadership Philosophy Made Simple. He will discuss this book in his November radio interview, including a favorite chapter called Cowards Always Say Yes, which addresses how to set healthy limits, say no with grace, and ensure that we are agreeing to do is something we really can do.

For further information and resources please visit Robert’s Website: https://www.leadersmaketime.com/